An Aspiring Van-Life Based Nomad Guest Speaker

Two weeks ago, we had the pleasure of my college classmate and fellow Prospector (Prospect Journal of International Affairs @UC San Diego) Niki Moshiri. Her path is evidently not the straightest one. Graduating from UC San Diego with a major in international studies: political science, she decided to pursue at law degree at UC Davis. After her 1L, she decided to switch career paths to interior design. Now, she is making a switch to UI/UX while living the van life. She will be traversing the United States with her boyfriend and dog while working remotely from the comfort of a modified van.

I think she gave an important in lesson in dealing with the changing vicissitudes of life. I think many of us decide change the course in our lives. She gave some clarity on how and why to do so. At the end of the day, embrace it because it will allow you to actually achieve some ambition and satisfaction. Important lessons.

If you are interested in reaching out to her, here is her LinkedIn:



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