

Subject Tutoring

I specialize teaching English, mathematics, and the social sciences (history, economics, and government).

For English, I educate people of all levels up to lower division university courses. For writing assignments, I provide direction for pupils of any level and operatives of any profession. In the field of math, I tutor all levels up to Precalculus. Lastly, I can assist students in the social sciences up to upper division university courses.

I also work under short term contracts for tasks such as writing assignments.


Test and Competition Prep

For good and bad, the modern education system relies heavily on standardized tests. Consequently, many clients approach them with dread. I tell my patrons to approach it differently. Do not see it as some impossible obstacle. Treat it as an opportunity to hone one’s skill and to improve. Here is a list of tests I have helped with students so far: ISEE, SSAT, HSPT, PSAT, GED, ACT, SAT, AP, TOEIC, TOEFL, CBEST, CSET, STEP Eiken, etc. In some cases, I teach science. For example, I instruct students to excel in Subtest II (Math and Science) of the CSET.

I also assist my students in preparing for competitions particularly writing competitions.



I serve students from middle school through university; I also teach adults.


I teach student in one-on-one or in two-on-one format. On occasion, I bring my students together for an event or project.


Skill and Self-Improvement

True to the name, I work with some regulars on self-improvement. This may be improving one’s skill in math or increasing one’s productivity rate. The driving principle is sustainable positive transformation over the long run. Go beyond what is taught at school. Learning is a lifelong pursuit.


Coaching and Advising

Like the tutors of the distant past, I provide strategic guidance on the client’s development path. Due to my experience, I can provide advice on extracurricular activities like music, art, and sports. Academics can affect extracurriculars, and the opposite is true as well. Consequently, I instruct students on how to transfer skills from the classroom to their passions and vice versa. Most important of all, blending formal education with the wisdom of everyday life fully enriches the entirety of the person.


My mentoring program is the volunteer side of my educational venture. In this program, I pair my younger students with my older students or former students. The older students act as big brothers or sisters for them. The rationale behind the program is rooted in the tribal system of education. There was no class that affixed children into groups based on arbitrary age. The Prussian way of organizing cohorts of kids had its needs during the Industrial Revolution, but the future will need the advantages of traditional methods. One of the shortcomings of today’s system is the inability to inspire our youth of future possibilities from their education. Having interactions with older peers will give them that peek, that spark.


Admission Essays and Applications

Many dread this part of their educational journey. Parents and students see this as the make it or break it moment. Partly true. Typically, it is difficult to influence the fate of a student one year out from the deadline of an admission’s deadline.

Yet, I can help you increase the odds as much as possible. I approach the application and essay process from the perspective of a writer and marketer. Frankly, far too many college consultants create a product that is lacks character and originality. The essays are forgettable. These consultants are not writers first. As result, they follow a predictable formula. I do the opposite. I am willing to take a calculated risk to make a lasting impression for the applicant. As for the approach, I counsel the applicant to take an insider track if possible.


Along with my main line of services, I can do homeschooling. For special assignments, I can contract my services out to a client or an agency.